As the school year kicks off, families are often swept up in the whirlwind of new schedules, homework, and extracurricular activities. With the busyness of the new season can come the inevitable…colds and flus! As a Naturopathic Doctor with additional training in pediatric and family health, I have seen that prioritizing health foundations during this transition is essential for supporting your children’s well-being and immune function to help avoid those pesky colds and flus.  

So let’s review the basics on how you can support your child’s health during this back-to-school season!  

Nutrition: Fueling Young Minds and Bodies 

Proper nutrition is foundational for optimal health, especially for growing children. Here are some strategies to support their dietary habits: 

1. Balanced Breakfast 

Start the day with a nutrient-dense breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Consider options like egg scrambles with spinach and veggies, breakfast burritos with turkey bacon, eggs and avocado or consider overnight oats topped with nuts and fresh fruit if you need a quick idea for on the go! A healthful breakfast will keep your kid’s energy stable and their mind focused throughout the school day!  

2. Colorful Lunches 

Encourage your kids to be a part of packing their lunches including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. This not only boosts their nutrient intake but also makes meals visually appealing. Think carrot sticks, bell pepper slices, and berries for a tasty, healthful lunch. More colours = more polyphenols which have been shown to support glucose levels, inflammation and immune function for both kids and adults! 

3. Hydration 

Water is vital for concentration and energy levels. I always say the best way to get in enough water is to get a water bottle that you love so you will want to bring it with you everywhere! If this is a struggle for your kids, make sure they choose a reusable water bottle they love so they will be more interested in bringing it with them. Adding flavour in the form of fresh or frozen fruits, cucumber and herbs like mint can also help make drinking water a bit more exciting as needed.  

Sleep: Restorative Health 

Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function and emotional well-being. Here are some tips to help your children establish healthy sleep habits: 

1. Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Encourage a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends. This can sometimes  be a tricky habit to maintain, but consistency helps regulate the body’s internal clock and makes sticking to a bedtime during the school week much easier! 

2. Sleep-Friendly Environment 

Create a calm and inviting sleep environment. Consider blackout curtains, a cool room temperature, and reducing screen time at least an hour before bed as blue light can interfere with proper melatonin production that is crucial for maintaining sleep.  

3. Relaxation Routine 

Incorporate calming activities before bedtime, such as reading together, gentle stretching, or practicing deep breathing exercises to help your children unwind. This can both help with connecting and recapping the day together, while also promoting a proper environment for a deep sleep!  

Stress Management: Building Resilience 

As school can introduce new stressors, teaching kids how to cope with stress is essential for their mental health: 

1. Open Communication 

Encourage children to express their feelings and concerns. Make it a habit to check in regularly about their day and emotions. Incorporating purposeful time to reflect on their day when sitting down to eat dinner together or making a routine at bedtime can help allow this communication to be a natural part of your child’s daily schedule.  

2. Mindfulness  

Introduce simple mindfulness practices to help them process their emotions and manage their stress levels. Apps or Mindfulness cards designed for children can guide them through age-appropriate techniques to manage stress and anxiety. 

3. Creative Outlets 

Encourage creative expression through art, music, or writing to help your children process their emotions and manage stress. These activities can provide a valuable outlet for emotions and foster resilience – a skill that will serve them well into their adulthood as well!  

Exercise: Moving for Health 

Regular physical activity is key to maintaining energy levels and promoting overall health: 

1. Family Activities 

Plan family outings that involve physical activities, such as hiking, biking, or playing sports together. This not only encourages exercise but also strengthens family bonds – and bonus points for activities that also get you outside and in nature! 

2. Sports and Extracurriculars 

Encourage children to participate in sports or dance classes that interest them. Regular involvement in physical activities can improve self-esteem and social skills. 

3. Active Play 

Promote unstructured outdoor playtime. Kids thrive when given the freedom to explore and move in nature, which can also help reduce stress. 

Herbs and Supplements: Nature’s Helpers 

Several herbs can support health and wellness, but always consult a healthcare professional before introducing them to your child’s routine: 

1. Chamomile 

Known for its calming properties, chamomile can be used in teas to help soothe anxiety and promote relaxation, especially before bedtime. It is also wonderful to use for upset stomachs and digestive issues when needed! 

2. Elderberry 

This herb is a fan favourite when supporting kids’ immune health! Being a bit sweet itself, this is a great herb that can be used in the form of teas, tinctures or cough syrups and tastes delicious!  

3. Echinacea 

This is a go-to antimicrobial herb for supporting immune health and reducing cold and flu symptoms when they arise! As always, make sure to consult a registered health care practitioner knowledgeable about herbs for safety and proper dosing before starting herbal treatments. 

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Omega-3s can be a wonderful addition for your child to support their cognition and mood as needed. Omega-3s are linked to improved focus, mood and reduced inflammation levels and can be found in the form of fatty fish, nuts, seeds and fish oil supplements as needed.  

3. Individualized Supplementation 

While I tend to focus on supporting nutrition primarily when it comes to kids immune and overall health, individualized supplementation with key nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and other herbal approaches can be a great way to fill in specific gaps. As always, dosing and recommendations for these supplements needs to be done on an individual basis by a registered healthcare practitioner.  


As your family embarks on a new school year, take the time to implement these health strategies to support the health of your child and entire family! By focusing on nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, herbs and supplemental support, you can create a strong foundation for your children’s health and well-being. Embrace this season as an opportunity for growth, learning, and connection—both as individuals and as a family.  

Here’s to a healthy and thriving school year! 

-Dr. Heather Elford, ND