Have you ever seen that scene in Austin Powers where a slow-moving heavy-duty construction asphalt steam roller is moving, and there is a person standing in front of it screaming because they think they are going to get rolled over? It looks like the guy is going to be hit by this heavy piece of machinery, but when the camera pans out, this roller is a huge distance away and there’s no way this poor victim would ever be hit if he just moved out of the path of destruction. It makes me laugh every time. Mike Myers, the actor and writer of the movie was quoted as saying that it was his favorite and funniest part of his movie. And for good reason… It is super funny.
The crazy thing is that people are living this out every day of their lives, but they don’t even realize it. Let me explain.
Most people when they get a bad diagnosis or get “sick”, somehow believe that what they got “just happened”. They were innocently minding their own business and WHAM, they get hit with it. Unfortunately, this reality is just not true.
What do we know? Most problems that come up have been progressing for decades before symptoms arose. In our office we see it all the time. Most of the conditions we see have been there for decades and for most people, it’s hard to believe that their sciatica or shoulder pain that started last week from bending over to pick up a piece of paper, had its origin 30 years prior.
Why does this happen? Well, simply because degeneration takes time. It is that slow moving steam roller that is gradually trying to run you over.
The good news is you don’t have to get hit by this big piece of equipment. You can simply step away from its path. How? Well, by making the best choices for your health every day; eating well, drinking lots of water, exercises, giving yourself plenty of rest, but most importantly by getting your spine checked by a chiropractor. Your spine protects your absolute most important structure…your spinal cord. If your spine is not healthy, there is absolutely no chance that you can be healthy. When left uncorrected, an unhealthy spine and spinal cord means you are directly in path of that steam roller. But in my opinion, that is not a laughing matter.
So do the smart thing. Get checked by a chiropractor…and don’t aimlessly wander onto any construction sites.
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