As a parent, we often are often inconvenienced by our kids announcing to us that they are hungry…usually at the most inopportune time. For our family, this happens when we are busy making dinner or better yet, when we are getting the kiddo ready for bed. It’s not something that most chiropractors would say is a positive outcome for their care, but for one of my little patients, that is exactly what we got.

A few years ago, I had a family come to my office for checkups. It was the mom and dad and a little boy, we’re going to call the little one, John. John was super smart and very inquisitive, but very very small for his age. He was five years old, but he was no bigger than a two-year-old…  He was fully developed but extremely petite. The parents had brought little John to every specialist under the sun and absolutely no one could find anything wrong with him. His parents were told that he was just small, and it probably was due to his genetics. As a side note, genetic issues in medical speak means “parent it is your fault, you dealt him this bad hand”. 

As chiropractors, we see things differently. Because we believe that the power that makes the body can heal the body, as long as the nervous system is able to communicate with every cell tissue and organ in your body. If the body is not functioning or healing properly, we know there may be something else at play. It may not simply be your genes. 

So, for John, I did a chiropractic examination. We did find sublation in his lower back and neck, his posture was not normal and he had several retained pediatric reflexes. 

I told the parent what I found, and said I could help restore communication between John’s brain and body. The goal was to restore proper spinal function and improve his posture. John’s parents agreed to start care. I adjusted John with a specific scientific Chiropractic pediatric adjustment. The adjustment went well, nothing out of the ordinary, and no significant immediate change for John. Well, not yet. 

John and his parents came back in for their adjustment the following week. I was a bit nervous when I came into the adjustment area, because John’s mom was crying. So of course, my mind went to a worst-case scenario. Something was wrong, I thought, why else would John’s Mom be so upset. Well, she was not upset. She had tears of joy. The night that they got home, John’s mom was working in the kitchen, and John came in and said “Mom, I am hungry, can you make me something to eat!” Very matter of factly. In John’s first 5 years of life, he had not once been hungry. He ate but had zero desire to eat. 

I took care of John and his family for a period of time, but as is the case, John’s father’s job changed, and they had to move away.  I did not see the family again.

Fast forward a few years later, and into our office walked this tall, well fed, happy boy with a huge smile…who I absolutely did not recognize, until I saw Mom and Dad. It was John and his family, stopping in to say hi.  Little John was no longer…well little.  Crazy right?

Now do you think I am now going to say Chiropractic cured John. Actually no. What did we do?   We corrected the vertebral subluxations; we restored communication between John’s brain and his body, and guess what?  His body did the healing. 

So next time you get hungry, or your kid is yelling for food.  Take a few minutes and be thankful that you both feel hungry.  And be thankful that you have an amazing body that is designed to function, regenerate and heal itself completely, from above down inside out.  

Stay Healthy,

Dr. Joshua Nikkanen 
